
Thursday, February 6, 2025



Date of Birth: 07-02-1988

  • Day Number : 7
  • Destiny Number:
    7 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 8 = 35 = 3 + 5 = 8

Numerology Insights

1.      Birth Number (7):

  • Governed by Ketu, the mystical and intuitive energy.
  • Siddu has a natural flair for creativity, imagination, and intuition. He is likely introspective, spiritual, and philosophical.
  • Suited for unique, unconventional roles in the film industry.

2. Destiny Number (8):

  • Ruled by Saturn, representing hard work, persistence, and karma.
  • Indicates a person who may face struggles early in life but achieves success through sheer determination.
  • A good balance between his 7 (Psychic) and 8 (Destiny) can lead him to long-lasting fame in his career.

Name Number Calculation

Name: Siddu Jonnalagadda

1.      Siddu
S = 3, I = 1, D = 4, D = 4, U = 6
Total = 3 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 6 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9

2.      Jonnalagadda
J = 1, O = 7, N = 5, N = 5, A = 1, L = 3, A = 1, G = 3, A = 1, D = 4, D = 4, A = 1
Total = 1 + 7 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 1 = 36 = 3 + 6 = 9

Full Name Total = 9 (Siddu) + 9 (Jonnalagadda) = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9

  • Name Number: 9
    • Ruled by Mars, this number gives him the fiery energy, courage, and determination required for a successful career in the entertainment industry.
    • A name number 9 aligns well with his 7 (Psychic) and 8 (Destiny).

Career Analysis

Played Roles in Movies

  • His roles tend to have a unique and unconventional touch, reflecting his Psychic Number 7.
  • A thinker and innovator, he connects deeply with layered and intriguing characters.

Hit Movies

  • Movies with bold themes, intense emotions, or a mystical edge align with his number energies.

Flop Movies

  • Projects lacking depth or novelty may not resonate with his creative energies.

DJ Tillu

Name Number Calculation

1.      D = 4, J = 1
DJ Total = 4 + 1 = 5

2.      T = 4, I = 1, L = 3, L = 3, U = 6
Tillu Total = 4 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 6 = 17 = 1 + 7 = 8

Total Name Number = 5 (DJ) + 8 (Tillu) = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4

Prediction for DJ Tillu

  • The name number 4 is ruled by Rahu, which brings unexpected results. It indicates a film with quirky, unconventional, or bold themes.
  • Since Siddu Jonnalagadda's Life Path Number is 8 (Saturn), and 4 (Rahu) complements 8, the movie’s release aligns with his personal vibrations, increasing the chances of success.
  • Result: A quirky, unconventional hit that gains a cult following due to its unique storytelling and relatable themes.

DJ Squire

Name Number Calculation

1.      D = 4, J = 1
DJ Total = 4 + 1 = 5

2.      S = 3, Q = 1, U = 6, I = 1, R = 2, E = 5
Squire Total = 3 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9

Total Name Number = 5 (DJ) + 9 (Squire) = 14 = 1 + 4 = 5

Prediction for DJ Squire

  • The name number 5 is ruled by Mercury, which signifies communication, wit, and a youthful energy.
  • 5 aligns well with Siddu’s Psychic Number (7), indicating the movie will likely have vibrant dialogues, fast-paced storytelling, and mass appeal.
  • However, 5 can also lead to mixed results if the movie lacks depth, which Siddu’s numerological energies (7 and 8) require.
  • Result: The movie has the potential for a box-office hit if backed by strong content but could struggle if it leans too heavily on style over substance.


  • DJ Tillu: A stronger alignment with Siddu’s numbers, pointing to a quirky, memorable success.
  • DJ Squire: Has potential but depends heavily on execution, as its number 5 is neutral for Siddu's core numerology.


Lucky Colours

  • White, Silver, Light Grey, Light Blue: These colors resonate with Ketu and Saturn, providing balance and good luck.

Lucky Gemstones

  1. Cat’s Eye (Lehsunia): Strengthens his ruling planet Ketu.
  2. Blue Sapphire (Neelam): Enhances Saturn’s positive energies.
    • Wear in consultation with an expert astrologer to avoid malefic effects.


  1. Chant Ketu Mantras: For intuition and clarity.
  2. Donate to Saturn-ruled causes: Support charities for the underprivileged to appease Saturn.
  3. Meditation and Spiritual Practices: Balance his intense energies and bring peace.

Upcoming Movies

  • The Name Numbers of his upcoming movies should vibrate with 9, 7, or 8 for maximum success.
  • Names aligned with his Life Path Number (8) will ensure longevity and stability.

 #SidduJonnalagadda  #DJTillu #NehaShetty #Tollywood #TeluguMemes  #TeluguCinema #TeluguMovies  #SitharaEntertainments  #DJTilluSongs #Pragathi

#SidduJonnalagadda, #DJTillu, #DJSquire, #TeluguCinema, #Tollywood, #TeluguMovies, #DJTilluHit, #SitharaEntertainments, #ChaldeanNumerology, #NumerologyPrediction, #AstroNumerology, #SidduFans, #DJTilluSongs, #TeluguHero, #TeluguFilmIndustry #rassuulnkhan #occultScienceOfNumerology



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