✨ Love Marriage | మీ ప్రేమ వివాహం జరగుతుందా? Check with Numerology! ✨ 📖 Description: మీ ప్రేమ వివాహం జరగుతుందా అని తెలుసుకోవాలని ఉందా? 🤔 ఈ వీడియోలో, Chaldean Numerology ఆధారంగా మీ ప్రేమ వివాహ యోగం ఉందా లేదా అనేది తెలుసుకుంటాం. మీ జన్మతేది మరియు లక్కీ నంబర్స్ ఉపయోగించి, మీ జీవిత భాగస్వామి ఎప్పుడు, ఎలా వస్తాడో స్పష్టత ఇస్తాను. ప్రేమ వివాహం జరగాలంటే ఏ నంబర్స్ బలంగా పనిచేస్తాయో మరియు ఎలాంటి జాగ్రత్తలు తీసుకోవాలో కూడా తెలుసుకోండి. 💑✨ 🔥 ఈ వీడియోలో తెలుసుకునేది: ప్రేమ వివాహ సూచించే లక్కీ నంబర్స్ 💖 Love Marriage Success Chances 💍 మీ Numerology Chart లో Marriage Yogam ఉందా? 🔢 సింపుల్ Tips & Remedies For Love Marriage 🕉️ 🌟 Watch till the end for special tips! 🌟 మీకు ఈ వీడియో నచ్చితే Like, Share, మరియు Subscribe చేయండి! 👍🔔 #LoveMarriage #Premavivaham #Numerology #AstroNumerology #MarriageYogam #ChaldeanNumerology #LoveMarriagePrediction #Astrology #PremavivahamJarugutunda #LuckyNumbers #NumerologyTelugu Love Marriage Numerology, Premavivaham Yogam, Love Marriage Predictions, Chaldean Numerology Love, Love Marriage Telugu, Numerology for Marriage, Premavivaham Numerology, Lucky Numbers for Love, Astrology and Numerology, Telugu Love Marriage Prediction
🔢 Date of Birth Analysis:
- 2 + 4 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 4 = 30 → 3
- Birth Number: 6 (from 24) – Ruled by Venus (luxury, charm, relationships)
- Life Path Number: 3 – Ruled by Jupiter (growth, creativity, expression)
📌 Interpretation:
- Venus (6) gives him charm and an attractive personality, helping in the glamour world.
- Jupiter (3) amplifies creativity, making him versatile and expressive in his performances.
🔠 Name Numerology (Chaldean System):
1. Naveen Babu Ghanta
- N(5) + A(1) + V(6) + E(5) + E(5) + N(5) = 27 → 9
- B(2) + A(1) + B(2) + U(6) = 11 → 2
- G(3) + H(5) + A(1) + N(5) + T(4) + A(1) = 19 → 1
Total Name Number: 9 + 2 + 1 = 12 → 3
📌 Interpretation:
- Name Number 3 aligns with his Life Path 3, amplifying creative abilities, communication skills, and public appeal.
2. Nani
- N(5) + A(1) + N(5) + I(1) = 12 → 3
📌 Stage Name 'Nani' is perfectly aligned with his destiny, promoting success and recognition.
🎬 Career Analysis:
- Best Years: Ages that add up to 3, 6, or 9 are favorable (e.g., 27, 30, 33, 36, 39).
- Favorable Months: March, June, September.
- Best Days: Thursdays (ruled by Jupiter) & Fridays (ruled by Venus).
📌 Success Pattern:
- Major hits in years aligned with 3, 6, or 9 vibrations (e.g., Eega - 2012 adds to 6, Bhale Bhale Magadivoy - 2015 adds to 9).
🎨 Lucky Elements:
- Lucky Numbers: 3, 6, 9
- Lucky Colors: Yellow, Pink, and Blue
- Lucky Gemstone: Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) for Jupiter
💑 Marriage Compatibility:
- Spouse: Anjana Yelavarthy
- Compatibility can be analyzed based on her birth date and name numerology, but Venus (6) in Nani's chart ensures harmony and love in relationships.
🔮 Lal Kitab Remedies:
For Career Growth:
- Feed cows on Fridays (Venus remedy).
- Wear a Yellow Sapphire set in gold on the index finger.
For Wealth & Fame:
- Donate yellow-colored food (like chana dal) on Thursdays.
- Light a ghee lamp under a Peepal tree on Saturdays.
For Personal Harmony:
- Offer white sweets to young girls on Fridays for Venus blessings.
Here's a Numerology Analysis of Nani’s Hit and Flop Movies based on the Chaldean System, focusing on the name numbers and their compatibility with his Birth Number (6) and Destiny Number (3).