
Wednesday, January 8, 2020




In the Universe, everything has energy. Even the numbers have a unique kind of energy in them. The date, month and year on which one is born when added, indicates the life path number.

Numerology is an ancient science which reveals personality, destiny, opportunity and challenges we are going to face in our lives. It helps to know one's strengths and weaknesses. By knowing the personal year number, we can plan events and prepare ourselves for the upcoming situation. To be forewarned is to be forearmed!Numerology helps to figure out where to go in life and what to expect along the way.
Sun equally distributes energy to everyone. The frequency of receiving the Sun's energy depends from region to region. Likewise, the universal energy of the year 2020 will affect everyone differently in combination with personal year number. By adding 2+0+2+0= the answer we get is 4. Subsequently, number 4 becomes the universal year number.
The year 2020 will bring new opportunities to break the old patterns and look at things from a different perspective. Technology will help to increase financial sources. Success will be achieved in invention and astronomical sectors. Upsetting natural incidents and accidents at a mass level are likely to take place from June till September 2020.

Number 1 : WHO BORN ON 01-10-19-28

Dream big! Set some goals and make plans to accomplish them, is the guideline from the year 2020. The energy of number1 will encourage them to be decisive and grab opportunities which life plans to present. You will become more concerned with personal matters and to some extent be self-centred. It can be in a positive sense, as it will help in further progress in life.

You might face challenges in building relationships with others. Arguments with authoritative people will give you mental stress, but will help to prove your worth and can get you the leadership role. Mentally you will be proactive and will take part in various competitions. This is a favourable year to buy a machine or start a new venture. From 28 March till 16th May and 5th August to 20 September is a good period to make investments, sign contracts and start a new work.

 Health - Need to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Issues related to eyes, blood pressure and heart can bother. Avoid eating food which increase acidity.
Compatible number for business - 1, 4, 8 &9 
Compatible number for love and relationship - 1, 2,3,4,5 & 6

Personality Number 2 : WHO BORN ON 02-11-29

Love, relationships, emotions and matters of the heart come to the forefront in the year 2020. Your intuition will be spot on, so listen to your inner voice. Weigh all the facts carefully and then make a decision.
Magnetic attraction in your personality will increase and singles may meet their soulmate. The emotional side of your nature will get more emphasis and you will expect similar behaviour from others which in turn can become the cause of getting hurt.
You might purchase a house or get some renovation done in your present house. You would like to make frequent changes in every aspect of your life. This is a good year for travelling, so you will get to explore new places, but will feel relaxed at home only.
 In worry and anxiety, you might take a wrong decision and regret later. You need to learn to be patient and wait for a divine time.
Health - Lack of appetite, intestinal and indigestion can cause trouble. You will be prone to infections and infectious diseases like cold cough and lung disorder.
 Compatible numbers for business - 2, 5, 7 & 8
The compatible number for love and relationship - 1, 2, 3, 7 and 9

Personality Number 3 WHO BORN ON : 03-12-21-30

Being organized and grounded is the key to your success! It is the message given by the year 2020. It would be a favourable period for learning and gaining new experiences. When you know yourself as an individual, it will be helpful to choose the right way to deal with the world. The Spiritual dimension of your life will be greater in 2020. 
This is a year of social connection! You are likely to meet powerful and prestigious people. Keep a balance between personal and professional relations. You will express your thoughts and feelings through conversation, journal, blog, song or even a poem.
2020 will bring new job opportunities, promotion, success and financial gains. Be careful about things or events where legal documents are involved, you might have to pay a penalty to government officials.
 Health - skin infection gastric trouble Arthritis and diabetes can bother! All these can be dealt with a balanced diet and physical activity Compatible number for business - 3, 5, 7 & 9
The compatible number for love and relationship - 1, 3, 6 and 9

Personality Number 4 WHO BORN ON :04-13-22

2020 is a year to get in alignment with the universe, so you can receive clear and accurate guidance. It will help you build a solid foundation and overcome insecurities. You need to be more focused! So, prioritize work and complete the task within the given deadline. Be careful about finances. You need to keep a close watch on the budget, you might face unexpected expenses.
There will be many diversions, obstacles, frustrations and delays. Your dedication and determination will be tested this year, so don't give up when things are tough because, in the end, you will be the winner. This is a good year for love and relationship. A new member will become part of the family! Someone from family can be getting married or married ones can have a child.
 Health - The disease that cannot be easily diagnosed will bother you. High fever, cholesterol and infectious diseases are likely to cause trouble. Compatible numbers for business - 2, 4, 5 and 6
Compatible numbers for love and relationship - 2, 4, 6 and 8

Personality Number 5 WHO BORN ON : 05-14-23

2020 is a dynamic and action pack-year full of adventure, growth, travel, movement and entertainment. Change is inevitable and can manifest in many forms like location, residence, relationship, job, attitude or lifestyle. Breakaway from old routines and launch yourself into new areas of challenge and growth.
 Your mind and consciousness jump from issue to issue rapidly, which can make you indecisive. Try to keep balance, otherwise, it can give you nervousness and anxiety. This is a favourable year for success in business, networking, marketing, going abroad or signing a new contract. It is also favourable for taking part in sports, entertainment and other hobbies. Avoid overindulgence in food, alcohol or overspending.
 Health - Skin infection, headache, mood swings, and dysentery can become a cause of concern. Keeping a balanced lifestyle can help avoid these issues. Compatible numbers for business - 1, 3, 5 and 9 
Compatible numbers for love and relationship - 3, 5, 6 and 8

Personality Number 6 WHO BORN ON 06-15-24

Love is the key to manifest your dreams in the year 2020. To attract the things you want, you need to maintain high energy vibration. Be a magnet and attract people by being the kind of friend you would want to have.
This year you will desire to have things which can give ease, comfort, luxury and quality. You will also pay attention to your appearance. It is time to be happy by getting in a relationship or by parting ways, if it is a painful one. 2020 is an auspicious year for financial stability. It will allow you to get an unexpected wealth via inheritance, gains from investment or raise in salary.
Health - You are prone to breathing issues, indigestion, diabetes and kidney problems. Avoid getting excited and overwhelmed concerning any event. Follow a healthy diet to stay fit.
 Compatible numbers for business - 3, 5, 6 and 9 
Compatible numbers for love and relationship - 1, 2, 5, 6 and 9

Personality Number 7 WHO BORN ON: 07-16-25

The year 2020 is a blessing in disguise. It is a year to stay in solitude and introspection. Unfortunately, all of a sudden things will change, misunderstanding in the relationship will increase! Be careful in love affairs, as there are chances of getting a bad name.
This is a year to plan, research, or learn new subjects like psychology, philosophy, Yoga, meditation or alternative therapies. You can also enrich your skills in computers, analytics or can become a specialist in your craft. It is not a time to start a new business or job, concerning whatever you are patiently working on right now. You might get entangled in office politics, so be aware. This is the time when you will come to know who your true friends are. Avoid unnecessary discussions.
Health - Relax your nerves and stay away from stressful situations. Eye issues, constipation, stomach problem (stone), high blood pressure and arthritis are likely to bother.
Compatible numbers for business - 2, 3, 6 and 7 
Compatible numbers for love and relationship -2, 3, 4, 7 and 9

Personality Number 8 WHO BORN ON : 08-17-26

2020 is a year of opportunities regarding career advancement, recognition and financial gains. Number eight balances the scales of justice in direct proportion to your attitude and efforts put in the past. You will be rewarded for honesty, hard work and patience by achieving success in a particular stream. It is a year that will depict the law of cause and effect. If you are feeling depressed, facing difficulty in getting work or are emotionally weak, examine your past behaviour and accordingly change your perspective.

The energy of the year 2020 will give victory over enemies and lawsuits. It is the time when you will attain success in worldly matters, but stay grounded. Choose your words carefully while communicating with anyone. Learn to speak the truth politely.  

Health - Be attentive towards your health. Speech issue, ear trouble, constipation, numbness in the body, especially limbs and breathing issues can bother you in the coming year.
Compatible numbers for business - 2, 3, 5 and 8 
Compatible numbers for love and relationship -2, 4, 5, 6 and 7

Personality Number 9 WHO BORN ON : 09-18-27

The year 2020 indicates that you will be going through high energy vibrations, which need to be channelized towards sports or physical activity. You need to let go off excess energy, either physically or mentally. This will help to avoid conflicts, disagreements and exchange of harsh words.

This is a year of transformation to prepare for new beginnings. Trust in the divine plan, forgive others and yourself to accept things the way they are and keep going.
You will meet significant and authorized people, who will guide for future work. It is time to complete the current work and plan for the future. In career, you might feel things to be stagnant, but behind the scenes, the divine plan is being made by spirituality and Karma.

 Health - In general health will be good, but be alert, if the body indicates feverish feeling, wounds, ulcer, liver issues and high blood pressure. Compatible numbers for business -1, 3, 5, 6 and 9 
Compatible numbers for love and relationship - 1, 3, 6, 7 and 9

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The hope of being together is got shattered by many reasons like misunderstanding, social & family or even behavior & actions.

The hope of being together is got shattered by many reasons like misunderstanding, social & family or even behavior & actions.

The life is extremely fast and challenging and there is a need of someone special who can become a true companion in the journey of life. The hope of being together is got shattered by many reasons like misunderstanding, social & family or even behavior & actions. When it happens we recognize the difference in similarity. The main reason for all these problems is mindset and character incompatibility of people. For each person it is very important to find their true love – someone who could share with them joy of life, who could support in difficult times, who would support and understand, whose interests wouldn’t conflict with their personal. However, don’t forget that people who are not compatible can always find a compromise so essential and possible in their relationship.

With the help of numerology one can make it compatible to live a lovely life ahead. Thanks to “Occult Science of Numerology, however, much of the mystery that surrounds the harmony and disharmony is personal, business, and intimate relations can be easily answered. “Occult Science of Numerology  covers the wide variety of differences between you and others. Just taking the time to know yourself and others numerically may well explain why you may be attracted to those born under certain months and dates and not others.To convert your love failure in to successful love your name alteration takes main remedy part.

For Consultancy (Occult Science of Numerology):
Your details :

  • Your Full Name with Initial
  • Your Original Date of Birth
  • Your Birth Time
  • Your Birth Place / Country
Features of Basic Plan
  1. If the Existing Name is eligible for the alteration, It will be altered as per Basic System of Numerology
  2. 5 New Names will be given
  3. Basic System of Numerology applied for new name selection using Date of Birth
Q What exactly I can get from you for this consultancy?
A Existing name with alteration(if it is eligible for the alteration) and You can get 5 New Names

Monday, January 28, 2019




According to “Occult Science of Numerology”of Numerology, a lucky business name is a must for business success! Like persons, a business is known by its name. Success and reputation are also built around it. A corporate business generally has a registered name, a slightly shortened printed name, and a very short name as it is known to the public.

If all these names are lucky the business will be very successful. At least one of these names has to be lucky for the business to be successful. There is no doubt about that. Also the business name must be suitable to the promoters. Otherwise there will be disharmony and confusion.

Only lucky brand names click with the public! All popular goods sold in the market today have lucky names! Only articles with lucky names will be patronized by the masses. Some lucky brand names are Hamam, Lifebuoy …

Hence, any type of Business, the Firm Name Vibration is very much important to attract the customers and to make more money out of it. For the Business or Firm Name Selection, date of birth of the Business owner (or) Partners is very much important. Based on the date of birth number vibration, the Firm name will be selected.

If the Business Name is not as per the “Occult Science of Numerology”Vibration the Business will be running with heavy losses and it will be closed in a movement due to that losses.
Lucky Business Name is a symbol of unlimited money.

Question: What is the Result of Good Business / Firm Name?

1. Your Business will grow everyday
2. You will earn more and more money
3. You may take bank loan for expansion and you will repay it in short time
4. Bank always forcing you to take loan. Because you are a genuine repayer
5. All your products will sale with good profit
6. Partners relationship will be always good
7. You will be famous in the market
8. You will get skilled laborers always
9. You will always make expansion in business
So, Luck Business Name is a symbol of Success.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

జ్యోతిష్య – సంఖ్యా, రత్నశాస్త్రం

జ్యోతిష్య – సంఖ్యా, రత్నశాస్త్రం
విద్య, ఉదోగ్యం, వివాహం, భార్య – భర్తల మద్య సమస్యల పరిష్కారం, శత్రు పిడ

విదేశియనం, గృహ–స్థల నిర్మాణ, అమ్మకాల సమష్య, సినీ,రాజకీయ, రత్న,
రుద్రాక్ష ధారణ, పుట్టిన పిల్లలకు జ్యోతిష – సంఖ్యా శాస్త్రం ద్వార పేర్లు పెట్టడం,
అన్నిరకాల సమష్యలకు మంత్రం, యంత్ర (తవీజ్ ) మరియు తాంత్రిక విద్య ద్వార 
పిల్లలు నిద్రలో భయపడ్డ, స్రీ వశీకరణం, పురుష వశీకరణం, వ్యాపార వశీకరణం,
           శత్రునాశనం, వివాహ, వ్యాపార బందిష్, మొ//వాటికీ తప్పక పరిష్కారం చూపబడును 


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

తంత్ర మంత్రం యంత్రల తో అన్ని సమష్యల పరిష్కారం లభించును

తంత్ర, మంత్రం యంత్రల తో అన్ని సమష్యల పరిష్కారం లభించును 

జ్యోతిష్య-సంఖ్యా,రత్నశాస్త్రం  విద్య , ఉద్యోగం, వివాహం , భార్య భర్తల మధ్యసమస్యల పరిష్కారం, శత్రుపిడ, విదేశీయానం , చిన్న పిల్లలకు పేర్లు పెట్టడం , రత్నధారణ, గృహం,స్థలం అమ్మకం ,మొ // సమస్యలకు పరిష్కారం లబించును .  మంత్రం ,యంత్ర మరియ తాంత్రిక విద్య ద్వార అన్ని సమష్యలకు పరిష్కారం చూపబడును.

Tantrika, Yantra, Mantram to anni samasyyala parishkaram